Friday, July 30, 2004


I maybe a bit late on this... Zigbee is the standard of short range, cost-efffective, low power consumption, mesh sensor networks. Compared with Bluetooth, Zigbee mainly targets wireless control using a large number of nodes. What Zigbee would bring up for consumer based mobile computing is still unclear, though.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Windows Mobile and .Net CF 2.0

MSmobile runs a coverage of Euro Tech Ed 2004, which outlines some of the features in the future Windows Mobile beyond 2003 SE. Interesting point is there are fewer and fewer things available only for Pocket PC but not for smartphone. The smartphone device will be at least 200MHz. The resolution will be 320*240. This is a clear trend to convergence!

Friday, July 16, 2004

The next computer - from Newsweek

An interesting article in June 7's newsweek presented a very good overview of the global smart phone market, and the sort-of-imminent trend to replace your computer with a smart phone. Someone has some comments on the article's interview with Jeff Hawkins, creator of Palm, and found of Palm Inc. Yes, PDA camp is going to lose this war. We will see.